Q.Lazy Diffenbachia
I’ve had a “Diffy” for several years. All of a sudden the stalks fell at soil level. Thought the plant was dying. Staked it up, but to no avail. The stalk seemed to have lost its backbone. Other stalks soon followed suit. The plant is still thriving even though not standing straight and tall. Question: What can be done to restore this plant to its former glory.
John J. Faust

Put on a pair of gardening gloves and get a sharp knife or sharp pair of pruning shears. Select one third of the canes you'll want to prune. (You may want to select those canes that are flopping over the side of your flower pot). Prune those selected canes at a 45 degree angle six inches above the soil level. This will encourage the plant to "start over again" with growing foliage at the nodes (bumps in the stems) near where you made the cuts. After that, follow the normal planting care for dieffenbachias as specified here on GardeningKnowHow.com: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/houseplants/dumb-cane/growing-dumbcane-dieffenbachia.htm