Q.Lawn Irrigation
Hi. Your blog looks very professional. I like it.But I am a little bit confused. You advise to irrigate the KBG a little bit every day, the others (the most of the others)once a week deeply. You dont recommend to use starter fertilizer a many others do. Whom to believe and follow? B.R. Alexandros Leonidis

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Daily watering will be more for areas that require it. I will assume that you are referring to the transition zone, here, in the US. In this area, in which I reside as well, Watering will be on an "as needed" basis.
Watering needs to be done once the soil dries down to about an inch or so, thoroughly, at the least. You can go a little longer, but too dry and you risk losing sections of grass.
Too much moisture will lead to infection, so let the soil tell you when you need to water.
This article will help you to care for Bluegrass: