Q.Lawn Alternativer
I live in zone 8 L.R. Arkansas, 2000 sq ft front lawn with 3 tall wild trees. Single older women.
Out of the three different lawns below which would take the the least water and maintenance :
1. Bermuda grass and 10% mini clover. (I have now a little burmuda left with bare spots).
2. Fluer de lawn. (Can I rake leaves off this type lawn)?
3. Different drought bushes, ground covers, etc.?
I like privacy!!! Habitat build houses on both sides of mine. What bushes could I get for each side of my property. Is there any I wouldn’t have to trim with a hedger? If the bush is 5′ in diameter would the whole width need to be on my side of the property line? If trimmed, Who trims the neighbors side? I don’t think they would. And if it is over 6′ you can’t hedge trim the top?
Do you think a wood fence would be more trouble, painting it, etc. than bushes?
Thanks so much for your help, I appreciate your advice.
I would encourage you to contact your County Extension Office to inquire on the best lawn alternatives for you region.
They can also make recommendations on plant specifics.
Here is a link to locate the nearest office to you.
Here are several links with more information.
You may be able to contract a local garden landscape company to do annual maintenance of your plants.