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Lavender Plants

Q.Lavender growth and foamy bits

Zone San Gabriel, 91776 | Anonymous added on June 14, 2018 | Answered


I’ve had my lavender for about 7 years and have yet to see it bloom. Recently, I got 1 bloom but it didn’t even truly bloom and just wilted. The plant is massive now compared to when I first got it which was a small cutting.
I’m not sure why it has never boomed and would love to know what I can do to help it.

Also I consistently see foamy bits between the leaves. I’m not sure what these are. I’ve attached an image.

Thank you for any help.


A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on June 15, 2018

Lavender is native to semi-desert regions of the Mediterranean. It likes hot weather, lots of sun, fast-draining (sandy) soil and not too much water. It will not bloom indoors; it just doesn't get enough direct sunlight. Lavender is a shrub and needs annual pruning to keep it from becoming woody and floppy. Don't use long-acting fertilizer. It will encourage green growth at the expense of flowers. Adding 2" of compost under the shrub is all it needs although a dose of liquid fertilizer after blooming is acceptable if you want a larger plant. The foam looks like the egg mass of the harmless spittle bug. It isn't a problem.

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