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Q.Lasagna/Sheet Mulching: Missing Ingredient

Zone Modesto, CA 96356 | jseagull added on August 23, 2021 | Answered

I live in California and the drought isn’t going away so I need to replace my lawn. I am in the process of solarizing our landscape to get rid of weeds and the old grass lawn. After the land is prepared we will be mulching and using native plants in our landscape garden. When we remove the solarizing plastic we are planning on laying down mulch to suppress weed growth. In the past, we might have laid down cardboard or newspaper but the success of commercial recycling of those products has made them hard to come by. What do you recommend we do in addition to using the mulch/tree bark to control weeds? thanks much!

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on August 24, 2021
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