Q.larvae in composter
I have a small space and compost in a black 30 gallon trash can. I now have lots of insect larvae/worm looking critters in the compost. I haven’t been able to identify the larvae. They are about an inch long with ridges, not smooth like an earthworm or red worm. Color is grayish brown. Quite ugly. Definetly not fly maggots either. I feel like just using some Sevin or Malathion in the can. Any help or info would be appreciated.
These are likely grub worms. They are actually good for the compost pile, helping to break things down and aerate it. Generally, they will go away on their own. I wouldn't use any chemicals within the compost. Once put in the garden, birds will most likely feast on any that are left and you could also hand pick the ones you see and drop them in a bucket of soapy water. If you happen to have chickens, they enjoy snacking on them too.