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Bird Of Paradise Plants

Q.large white bird of paradise houseplant

Anonymous added on July 30, 2018 | Answered

I am having a problem with my 5′ stalks folding over and then the leaf dies (I assume it can’t get any nutrients if the stem is blocked. I have lots of stems that I have had to cut off. They are about 18″ tall with brown tips.

I need to know why the stems are “folding” and bending, if I need to prop up the stems and how to do that, and how and where to cut the unsightly dying stems that I have pruned.

I use a wooden stick pushed into the pot to check the moisture weekly to be sure that the soil is dry before I water the plant. I use water with Miracle Grow once a month. Can you please advise me as to how to trim and support this beautiful plant?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on August 12, 2018

Although it is hardy, if not taken care of properly, it can succumb to fungal disease. Birds of Paradise with rotting and collapsing stems may be experiencing Pythium root rot.
Root rot diseases can be very difficult if not impossible to cure once symptoms appear. So the key is keeping your Bird of Paradise healthy. First off, make sure the soil has good drainage and don’t overwater. Do not allow your Bird of Paradise to become overcrowded by weeds or other plants. Make sure it gets plenty of sunshine, at least four hours of direct sunlight a day

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