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Larch Trees

Q.larch tree

Zone Hamilton,Ont. Canada | yvonne1 added on May 12, 2017 | Answered

I am concerned that our 10 year old larch has no greening as of today(May 12,2017).When I scrapped the bark to see if it was green underneath it is.I am wondering if this rainy colder spring had delayed the growth.Other larches I have seen have their new needles.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on May 15, 2017

Certainly weather conditions, ground temperatures and moisture levels can cause delays in trees greening and leafing out.

Our other trees in the area growing yet? Have you check soil moisture?
Do the branches bend or snap off? If the branches snap they are not alive.
A tree can die off for sometimes unknown reasons.
These links have more information.


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