Q.lantana in containers
If I plant lantana in containers, will they come back next spring? I love them and have a pool with large deck around it and want to plant some in containers for deck. I live in Central Alabama.

You can keep it in your garage or a heated greenhouse (just above freezing). The house is usually warmer than 50 degrees at night, but if you have a location that is bright and sunny, but doesn't freeze (50 degrees at night) 70-80 degrees during the day, it could possibly make it through the winter. Or you can let the blooms go to seed and collect the seed, and start the plant from seed in Feb. of next season.

Im not sure about your region though some zones perennials can act as annuals and vice versa.

Yes they sure do :) I live in east texas and have 2 large planters with yellow lantana in them and have always come back.