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Hyacinth Plant

Q.lambs ear plant, root system. I’m transplanting. Have some info about soil requirements BUT this location has been covered with h

Zone Maryland N Y 12116 | lculver4 added on June 26, 2017 | Answered

eavy plastic, & covered with small river rock-marble chips. Can I cut a hole every 1 foot appx. I’ve already started this & found extremely red dirt & diging-tearing of plastic HARD. Lambs ear roots do they need to be deep? I have potting soil, with that cut in the plastic will my transplant work? I’ll leave some rock/marble chips in this area. My hope is roots can just be under surface of potting soil & the hole/tear in this plastic will work. Please advise & thanks for other response from Master gardner.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on June 27, 2017

This article will refresh you on the growing and care requirements.


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