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Hyacinth Plant


Zone The Dalles, OR 97058 | Lucy Rice added on February 9, 2018 | Answered

Why do the stems of my knockout roses look reddish purple. Are they dead?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on February 10, 2018

Usually this discoloration is meaningless; however, do watch for problematic rose black spot. When you do spring pruning, carefully examine the pith or center of cuttings. It should be a whitish color. There should also be a visible green ring just beneath the outside. If the pith is tan or darker and there is no green ring, recut the cane further down. I live in the north and some die-back is expected when winters are colder than normal. If you fertilized or pruned too late last year, your plant is likely to suffer die-back since it didn't have time to harden-off new growth. New growth needs about 6 weeks before frost to prepare for winter.

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