Q.knockout roses
my roses are pretty, but I can’t get my foliage thick. I have cut them back, that didn’t work. they still grow up , out and thin. can you help me…. thanks WILMA
There are a few things you can do. However, you have to be careful with thick foliage on roses. The foliage can get so thick that proper air movement through the bushes is impeded. Then starts the problems with fungal diseases that can be very hard to gain control of until proper air movement is restored. You can try using a higher in nitrogen fertilizer but go slowly! Too much nitrogen and the foliage takes off and blooms go way down and sometimes go away. Giving your roses 1/3 cup Epsom Salts sprinkled around the base and watered in lightly can help. Also look at giving them some Kelp Meal and Alfalfa Meal. 1/2 to 1/3 cup around the base of the rosebushes, worked in lightly and watered in. I would not apply it all at once, wait a couple weeks between applications. You could do two of them at once but I would not do all three at once. For a good liquid rose fertilizer check out the Urban Farm Premium Rose Fertilizer.