Q.Knock out roses
My son dug up and replanted my knock out roses on Mother’s Day this year. I have watered them and put miracle grow on them and now they look dead. Are they really dead or in shock?

If they were actively growing when transplanted, it is likely two things. One is transplant shock, the other is that the root systems are now not able to fully support the top part of the rosebushes as they are not established enough yet. To deal with the shock, water the rosebushes with some water that has both a product called Super Thrive and a root stimulator product of choice in it. Water with a fresh batch of this mix the next 4 to 5 times they need watering. The super thrive helps the rosebush deal with the stresses and shock while the root stimulator helps get the root system growing well and getting established. If they have alot of new growth, I would prune them back by one half as the root system just is not established enough to support all the top of ground growth. Best to take off any buds too as the bushes need to focus all energy onto the root systems re-establishment.