Q.Kick starting mandevillas
Thank you for answering part of my question, but I need a little more information on what type of grow lights I need to use. I have 11 mandevillas in hanging baskets in my cellar and cannot bring them up into the house to give them the sunlight they need right now. I would like to start them down cellar on grow lights. Can you tell me what kind of lights I should use?
Please try to give me specifics as to what I should buy, as I know nothing about grow lights or taking care of these beautiful flowers. I did cut them back in the fall and they are dormant now, but I am hoping that putting them under grow lights will wake them up so they will flower for me by June when I can put them outside again.
Thank you
You an purchase lights that are specific for plant growth.
You an also purchase 'full spectrum' lights that will provide good light for your plants.
Here are some links with more information.