Q.Key Lime Leaves Yellowing
My little Key lime leaves have started yellowing, and then falling off.. Can someone suggest what the problem might be? I’ve had the tree about 2 1/2 years. Right now, it’s in an 8 1/2” plastic pot which it has been in for about eight months. The roots have not started coming out the bottom. It is planted in cactus/citrus soil. I have the pot raised above the saucer, so it never sits in water. I have noticed some white fly, but not a heavy number, and I think I’ve got rid of them. The plant is indoors 24/7 in a south window. I cannot put it outside and I only have south windows.Since I’ve had it, it has given me about six limes, never more than two at once. I would hate to lose it and will appreciate any suggestions.

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
It looks like it needs feeding. They need feeding several times per year, and even more in container.
Here are some articles that will help: