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Kentia Palm Trees


Zone Valencia, spain | Anonymous added on March 22, 2019 | Answered

My kentia’s leaves are turning a little brown on the bottom fronds. I’ve read this could be overfertilising or underwatering. Over winter I was fertilising once a month, and now going into euro summer, will do it about once a week. Watering when I remembered/when it looked dry, maybe once every ten days.
I’m thinking maybe underwatering is my problem? Also, I’ve attached a photo of where it sits inside, and wanted to ask if there is too much light?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on March 23, 2019

You should check the soils moisture levels instead of relying on a watering schedule. Water so that the entire pot is watering and any extra water drains from the pot. The top inch or so should dry before watering again.

Misting is very important to keep you palm healthy. You can even run a humidifier near the plant.
This article will refresh you on the care.


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