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Phalaenopsis Orchids

Q.Keiki growing on cut flower stem

Zone 87529 | Anonymous added on January 7, 2020 | Answered

Hello. So basically I have a phalenopsis orchid and it had two stems. One of them was regrowing and forming flowers again. The other was dead. My daughter, a complete space cadet sometimes XD, accesentially cut off the growing stem instead of the dead one. We both noticed that the stem she cut had a little Keiki growing on it. We put the stem in a vase and it actually grew flowers! But now the stem is on its way out. The Keiki on the other hand is still there growing and healthy. I am worried that the Keiki will die because the stem has too. Any suggestions? I have also read the article about growing Keikis and ours is not ready to be cut yet. Thank you so much!


A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on January 9, 2020

After doing research, I read the plantlet should not be removed till it has leaves and roots. Removing it too soon can weaken the plantlet and cause it to die. Since yours is on a stem in water, I would try to keep the stem alive as long as possible. Change the water every day or two to prevent bacteria buildup. You also can recut the stem at a 45 degree angle to increase water uptake. Hopefully the plantlet will continue to grow before the stem fades.

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