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Q.Keeping Weeds Out Of Moss

Zone Duluth, GA | Anonymous added on July 27, 2022 | Answered

I have and love moss. I’ve been expanding it in the garden and paths for years. Weeds are a huge problem. Preen does not work as I have weeded using a fork(get the roots) then added Preen heavily but there always seems to be another weed that has gotten the jump on Preen. Have also tried the flood-the-moss, spray weeds with Round-up, let dry then thoroughly flood the moss again method. I have now started dragging my old Weed-eater just above the moss surface to whack off the weeds hoping they get the message. I’m now going top try the buttermilk/water spray to try to choke out the weeds. Wild violets are the worse even though I dig them out… Sorry to be so “wordy”. Just have such a passion/frustration with moss I hope you might have some suggestions. BTW, live in the Atlanta area so we have plenty of clay and acid soil. Thank You!!!

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on August 9, 2022
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