Q.Keeping Fresh Picked Vegetables Fresh
What is the best way to keep fresh-picked vegetables fresh? I’m fairly new to this, and have been disappointed at how quickly my ripe veggies go soft or turn colors after I have harvested them. How do those store bought ones hold their freshness so long?

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
This really depends on the vegetable, as some have should be used rather quickly while others can be frozen. The normal way to freeze vegetables from the garden is to chop them up and blanch them, spread them out on a cookie sheet and then freeze them. Once they are frozen, you can put them in storage bags and keep them in the freezer until you use them. For many others, like cucumbers, you can store them for a week or so in the refrigerator but if kept too long, they will no longer be any good. If you find yourself with an abundance of veggies, you can always give them away to family, friends, and neighbors.