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Burning Bush Plants

Q.Keeping burning bushes short as a hedge

Zone 41042 | Anonymous added on July 18, 2017 | Answered

Will a burning bush hedg stay short (12-15″) to show background plants in summer if I trim it almost to the ground each spring? I would like it to only grow up to cover spent summer growth (18″+) by the time it starts to turn red, & stay through winter, & start fresh each spring. If not, can you suggest a front-plant instead?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on July 18, 2017

The dwarf version of burning bush naturally grows to 8-10 feet. It is a fast grower if given enough sun to produce red fall leaves. I don't think you'll be happy with the results of your plan and I think the plant will suffer as well. This is my opinion, you understand. A better choices are lavender, Little Henry sweetspire, blue mist flower (Caryopteris), compact hybrids of spirea and butterfly bush and catmint (Nepeta).

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