Q.Keep Or Cut This Offshoot From Meyer Lemon Tree
Hi master gardeners, my Dwarf Meyer lemon tree has recently spring some offshoots, this one is right at the branch split, see attached picture (I am not sure if this is where the graft union or not since I bought the tree). Should I keep the offshoot or should I cut it off? Is this an offshoot from the Meyer lemon or from the rootstock? I kind of wish I could keep it because most of the growth are only on one side of the tree, so another branch growing to the other side will make the tree fuller IMHO. Any advice?

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
That's a little close to call. It appears to be part of the root graft, but it is exactly on the graft point. It it best to assume that the growth is not what you want. Cutting it will, likely, force more growth elsewhere.
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