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Kalanchoe Plants

Q.kalanchoe stems breaking off

Zone Los Angeles 90025 | Anonymous added on March 19, 2020 | Answered

I have a kalanchoe plant that looks healthy — green stems and leaves — but two segments of stems just broke off. I have other plants — all bought at the same time and transplanted to larger pots (they were 2-3 inches tall when purchased) to varying degrees of success. I don’t water them often and I don’t allow them to sit in standing water past five minutes if watering from the bottom. What can I do?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on March 20, 2020

I would check the light level. Do they get part sun to light shade? Strong Southern sun can burn the leaf tips. Also be sure they are getting enough water. Water them thoroughly then let them dry out before you water again. They should get fertilizer monthly.

When you repotted, did you only go up one or two pot sizes? Any more and you are at risk for overwatering by having too much moisture held in the soil.

Here are more care tips to consider:


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