Q.Kalanchoe Chandelier – starting from mother plant parts
I inherited a large plant that I believe is a Kalanchoe Chandelier. It makes lots of plantlets and recently bloomed a mass of orange flowers similar to the red ones shown on your page. The mother plant is nearly 5′ tall, but it is one thick stalk with a few leaves about half way up and the cluster of now dying blooms at the top. If I cut the plant down to a few inches tall, will it grow back? Should I cut the top off and put it in water to grow roots? Can pieces of the stalk be used to grow new plants. What is the best way to cut the plant? Your page for this plant states, “new plants can be easily started from almost any part of the mother plant.” How do you start plants from pieces of the mother plant? Do parts need to be kept in water to grow roots, or can they just be stuck in a new pot of dirt to grow?

After the plants get to a certain size, the tops die anyway (or fall over), which is why they make so many plantlets, and so they are constantly regenerating. Better to start new plants than to try to save an old spindly plant. The new young plants will be stronger. You probably could root the top, if you cut it off, but I would rather nurture a new younger plant.