Q.Kaffir Lime Plant Leaf Drop
I have a kaffir lime plant in a pot which I have had for about 3 years. Every summer it lives outside on my deck (central NJ) and I bring it inside in the winter. It has always been very healthy, producing lots of shiny new leaves and shoots. When I first brought it inside this fall, it dropped a lot of leaves, but has been stable until the last week or so. It is now dropping dozens of leaves each day, and if I gently touch it, lots more fall off. What can I do? Some of the branches are now completely bare. Should I trim them back? I can post a picture if it would be of use.

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Leaf drop is usually associated with stress of some kind. It could simply be acclimating to its indoor environment. Also, if you have not fertilized it recently, I would recommend that you do that. Here is more information on fertilizing: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/fruits/citrus/fertilizing-citrus-trees-best-practices-for-citrus-fertilizing.htm
If you have fertilized, I would recommend that you make sure that you are watering regularly and deeply as leaf drop commonly happens due to watering issues. This article will explain more:
The best thing you can do is just make sure it gets the water it needs. The leaves will grow back. Here is more information: