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Hydrangea Plants

Q.Just planted hydrangeas 2 weeks ago. They are flopping over. Some of the leaves look lighter green in areas. The blooms look fi

Zone Zone 5 | florencecollado1110@gmail.com added on May 5, 2019 | Answered

Shall I put a container around them to hooplas them stand up. Shall I take off the bad leaves? Thank you. The blooms look good. Purple color

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on May 5, 2019

I wouldn't remove any leaves that aren't yellow or brown. A young plant needs all the photosynthesis it can get. I think the blooms are too heavy for this plant that hasn't had enough time to sink in strong roots. If you trim a couple to take inside, the plant may straighten up. A hoop is fine as long as you are very careful not to damage stems. Hydrangeas like moist soil and morning sun unless you have one of the ever-blooming hybrids. Keep your plant tag; how to correctly prune hydrangeas depends on the type you have. It is easy to forget by the time you think about pruning. Here is a link to a number of articles on hydrangea care: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/search?q=hygrangea%20care

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