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Butterfly Bushes

Q.Just Planted Butterfly Bush In A Pot On My Balcony And The Flowers Have Turned Brown!

Zone Atlanta, GA | Anonymous added on May 20, 2021 | Answered

I just purchased this cute butterfly bush from a local hardware store. I potted it (my dad helped) and have been watering as it’s been quite warm. The flowers have lost their color and have become browned! It gets about 6-7 hours of sun (it’s on my balcony). Please help! I don’t have a green thumb but I’m trying… Any ideas?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on May 25, 2021

First make sure it isn't being overwatered and the pot has good drainage. Also, the flowers will fade and turn brown. You can cut them off at that point. If you don't deadhead, you will still get new spikes, it just won't look as tidy.


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