Q.Just Bought Ponytail Palm – Bulb Half Gone?!?!
I know I shouldn’t have bought one from the big box store, but I wanted one so badly and they were the only store around that had them. There was a tray with water and pots on the raised cones in the tray with wicks. I knew right away that was wrong so I checked the trunks and what I could of the bulbs without taking the plant out of the pots entirely. The soil was very moist and spongy. When I got home I removed the wick and let it sit in a west-facing window and allowed it to dry out a bit. It started sprouting a branch so I took that as the ok to re-pot it with cactus/citrus/palm soil. When I pulled it out of the pot, I noticed the bulb was missing its bottom half and was partially hollow with roots that looked like those of a regular houseplant. (I wasn’t able to get a picture at the time but if you think I should, I’ll re-pot it again and take a picture to post.) I didn’t water it in the new soil. I only placed it in new, dry soil and put it back in its place in the west window. Should I return it to the store and try to find a better plant or will it grow a proper bulb given enough time and care?
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
It will likely callus over and compensate for the damage. It won't, necessarily, grow back. It will heal over though.
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Unfortunately, your photos did not come through. I am unable to see the issue at hand. It does sound like it is damaged, and it may grow just fine given the area around missing portion isn't rotting. Whether to return it for a new one might be up to you.
If you decide to keep it, though, I'd not let it sit in dry soil for too long.
Thank you!
Sorry pics won't work for me.
Will the bulb grow back?