Q.junipers are brown inside
I bought 2 junipers from Lowe’s about a month ago. when I removed the tag from one I noticed it was all brown under it. now it is pretty much throughout he entire inside and I looked at the other same thing there. What can I do aside from returning these as I am going to. Thank you!

Shubs, including evergreens, drop their leaves is sunlight doesn't reach the leaves. The use of hedge shears to prune contributes to the problem. Tip cuts lead to a profusion of new growth at the shrub's outside edge. This creates a dense, sun-blocking exterior. While hedge shears save time, the shrub must be hand pruned each year. Cut a stem back to where it meets a branch. Prune out enough so that sunlight penetrates the interior. Unfortunately, juniper will not grow new leaves/needles on bare wood. It can still look good from the outside. Use the search feature on this website to find information on how to prune the particular type of juniper you own.