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Hyacinth Plant

Q.Jasmine leaf drop

Zone Worthing, West Sussex BN13 2PR | susanmason1955 added on April 27, 2015 | Answered

We have a large jasmine planted in a pot outside against a west facing wall and for the past 2 years it has shed a lot of its leaves in late April beginning of May. They turn yellowy brown and fall off. Consequently, it looks a bit thin and bedraggled, although it does perk up later in the summer. We do get quite a lot of wind, which I appreciate may be a factor. We try and remember to feed it once a week but have never pruned it, as it has grown to about 12 feet high and has intertwined with trellis work on the wall. What should we do about the leaf drop and how and when should we prune it?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on April 27, 2015

For information on leaf drop in jasmines, please visit the following link:

Jasmine should be pruned immediately after they flower to give the vines time to develop growth for the next flowering season.

This article discusses when and how to prune jasmine plants:

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