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Japanese Maple Trees

Q.Japanese maple wilting leaves

manny added on June 25, 2012 | Answered

My Japanese Maple leaves have wilted and are dry. What can I do to try and bring it back to life? I have had the tree for about five years now, never had an issue. It’s about 7 feet tall and about 4. 5 feet wide.

Thank you!

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on July 7, 2012

You need to determine if it is alive. This article will help:

If the tree's branches are still pliant and it is alive, there are several things that could be wrong with it that could be causing this problem. It could be pests, a fungus, watering issues or a problem with the roots. Without being able to examine the tree, I am not able to pinpoint the exact cause.

But, if you treat the plant with a pesticide and a fungicide (I recommend neem oil as it is both) and make sure the plant is properly watered and that there is not any root damage, then that should cover the majority of things that may be affecting the plant.

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