Q.Japanese maple disease or fungus and a grape problem
My Japanese maple is having problems. The tree is over 15 years old. no problems. Last year , beautiful. Now over half of the branches are barren of leaves. The branches that have no leaves are of an orange’ish color. The branches don’t snap off, but seem alittle rubbery. I’ve seen some examples of the problem online, but no one says what it is.
The grapes come up on the vine, progressively start at one point turning brown and goes across the grape until it is completely brown then falls off.

I would suggest taking a few samples to your County Extension Office for a hands on look. They will be able to advise you further.
This link will help you locate your nearest office.
This article cover the more common disease issues with Japanese Maples.
This sounds like Black Rot on your grapevine.
These articles may help you with this.