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Quince Trees

Q.japanese flowering quince

Zone Chilliwack, British Columbia | nanadonna added on March 29, 2016 | Answered

Wondering if it is easy to start from a cutting? Would you put it right into the ground, would you use rooting compound or would you just stick the branch in water until roots form??

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on March 30, 2016

Cut a healthy stem about 3" in length from the plant.
Pinch off any leaves or flower buds and make an angle cut on the end.
Start in trays of equal parts peat and sand--approx 3" in depth.
Dip the stem ends in rooting hormone and insert into planting medium.
Secure the medium around the stems and water.
Place the tray in a well lit and well ventilated room.
Roots should form in 75 to 90 days.


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