Q.Japanese Blood Grass Control And Cultivation?
I have a 3 year old xeriscape garden with some JBG for interest. The plants are doing well…too well! Is there a method to keep the plants separated rather than growing together? Your 2021 article says that “cultivated” are less of a problem than “green”. I assume by cultivated it implies that soil tilling is used to keep the spread to a minimum. Correct? Is there any other method to control JPG…either physical, barrier or chemical?
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
When it refers to cultivated forms, it means named red varieties in the horticultural trade. The green form is the native variety. This article tells more and it suggests growing it in containers because even the cultivated varieties have the potential to revert and become invasive. You also can insert a barrier below the soil around your plants.
Here are some ideas for control: