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Hyacinth Plant

Q.Jade Plant Repotting

Zone dearborn, mich.48124 | Anonymous added on November 11, 2017 | Answered

My jade plant has grown quite large. I found it tipped over….Too top heavy ???? Now the branches are hanging down and spreading out more bush shaped then tree shaped. Should I leave it the way it is and just re-pot it. It looks very healthy to me. If I re-plant it…..how much bigger of a pot is required ?????/

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on November 12, 2017

Top-heavy plants are sometimes not getting enough light, so they respond by growing tall and "leggy". Or, your jade plant may just need some pruning to restore its shape. If you cut back the tallest shoots, the plant will respond with more bushy growth near the base, and it will be less likely to tip over.

If the plant is too big for its pot, you could choose a pot that's about twice as large by volume, or whatever looks right. Be careful not to overwater as it adjusts to its new pot.

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