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Jade Plants

Q.Jade plant

Anonymous added on September 14, 2016 | Answered

My jade plant was doing well, nice and full with lots of leaves. I put it out in the sun on a hot day and it got spots on the leaves. The leaves fall off very easily now. They (leaves) are also sagging, not perpendicular to stem anymore. I thought my jade would like more light since tag said full sun. What have I done to my jade? She is back in house in same spot when she was doing well in but she does not look happy. What can I do to save her? Also, there is still water in reserve so I didn’t want to water her until water is gone. What should I do? She was so beautiful until I put her in sun.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on September 14, 2016

When moving a plant from an indoor to an outdoor location, you will need to make the transition slowly to acclimate the plant and not shock and burn it.
You plant likely suffered some sunscald.
You will need to just wait for the plant to recover.
Here is a few links with more information.


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