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Jade Plants

Q.Jade plant

Zone Lockport, Mb. R1B1A5 | jnhegarty added on July 25, 2016 | Answered

My jade plant was given to me by a friend over a year ago. The plant was outside and seemed hardly cared for. For the most part, our Jade plant has been inside our condo in indirect sunlight and doing well. Now, it seems limp and dropping its leaves. Either the leaves are turning yellowish or, lately, notice red tips on several branches.

I love this plant and my daughter and daughter-in-law want me to give it to them BUT I want to know what can I do to help make it proper again. I have taken stout of the big pot, ensured not waterlogged and letting it breathe in the sunshine outside on my deck facing west. What else do you recommend I do?

Thank you Jeff

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