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Ivy Plants

Q.Ivy tree stump

Zone London | nordmia added on June 13, 2019 | Answered

I chopped down my ivy tree over 3 years ago. I have followed a gardener’s advice and used a strong weed killer to kill the stump by drilling a hole in the centre and pouring the weed killer in it. This didn’t work. There’s ivy still growing near the edges of my garden fences. Any suggestions how to get ride of it?


A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on June 14, 2019

Stump drilling with herbicide applications can work but needs to be drilled deep enough into the stump.
Pulling up the suckers as soon as you see them will help. You can also apply herbicide to these suckers by painting the leaves with a herbicide.
It can take time.


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