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Ivy Plants


miller sandra added on May 25, 2011 | Answered

Lost our ivy in tornado, which was grown as a privicy space for 30 yrs. It’s thick in the ground, but the trellis supports for carport were destroyed as well as the carport. Do you have any ideas as to what I can use for it to start back? The ivy was a great sun block/privicy. We bought this place 5 yrs ago. We will be using 4 x 4’s for the support now (the vines were so big that two of them are still standing like little trees). HELP!

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on May 26, 2011

Prune them and they will grow. Leave them alone and they'll grow. Ivy just likes to grow...and grow...and grow. Time is the only key. A living fence of ivy will take years to flesh out unless it's Boston ivy, which will grow sometimes 20 feet in a year. You can interplant Boston ivy with the evergreen varieties. Boston will die back to the branch in the fall and looks dead, but leave it be and it'll come back in the spring.

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