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Dracaena Plants

Q.I’ve had my Dracaena Marginata plant for 3 years and it’s been growing quite healthily but now its bottom leaves are starting to

Zone Hartlepool UK | Anonymous added on August 3, 2020 | Answered

droop. None of the leaves are showing anything out of the ordinary and I don’t think I’ve overwatered it. Is there anything you could suggest to try and bring it back to good health please?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on August 4, 2020

I wonder if you meant to say leaf drop, not droop. According to the article below, some leaf drop is normal. Especially if you don't see signs of insects or envronmental concerns, I would just keep an eye on it. Here's more:


If you did mean "droop," I wonder if you have repotted in three years? Perhaps the plant is rootbound. If you need to repot, only go up one pot size to prevent overwatering.


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