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Container Hydrangea Plants

Q.hydrangea leaves are dying from the base

Eandg70 added on July 23, 2015 | Answered

It’s mid-July – leaves are dying from the base and moving outward. Why? Hydrangea Vine was planted in lg. planter two springs ago. Last summer and this summer the leaves are shriveling/drying up starting at the base and working its way out. The vine is growing on a patio wall with shade and partial sum, and is watered every other morning. Also, it hasn’t yet bloomed. Please tell me what to do to keep the leaves green. We live in Grants Pass, Oregon. Is our gardening zone 7? Not sure…

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on July 23, 2015

Watering every other day for a container plant is probably not enough during the warm summer days.
Daily water and even twice a day when temperatures are above 85 degrees.

Also it may have to much Nitrogen in the soil. Phosphorous can be added to boost flowering.
Bone Meal is a good way to do that.

Look for signs of insects or disease and treat with Neem Oil if you see anything.

Here are some links for you to help.


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