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Wandering Jew Plants

Q.Is wandering Jew poisonous?

Zone Southern California | dawnangel1966 added on September 9, 2014 | Answered

We have a new puppy at our house. Every time I let him outside, when I go out to look for him, he is always laying in a small patch of wild Wandering (green) Jew. It is under my bedroom window that has the air conditioner in it. The puppy is a Husky, but I am sure any dog would hang out there because it is moist and shady, probably the coolest spot in the yard. While Zeplin (the puppy) lies in the grass and Wandering Jew, he plays in it and always pulls off leaves and chew on them. It has been a long time since I have had a baby anything and I regretfully say my baby proofing skills have diminished. Please let me know if the Wandering Jew is poisonous or dangerous in any way, also any other type of weed or outside plant.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on September 10, 2014

The complete listing of toxic plants as shown by the ASPCA, lists wandering jew as toxic to dogs. However, this list doesn't take into account the varying levels of toxicity possible. The list furnished by the UC Davis Veterinary School doesn't list wandering jew at all. In my opinion, the animals can munch an occasional leaf and not suffer much more than a barf, unless they happen to be allergic. Hopefully, these article will shed some light on the subject for you: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/plant-problems/environmental/plants-poisonous-to-dogs.htm

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Answered on September 9, 2014

Thank you so much. I will weed them out now

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