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Norfolk Island Pine Trees

Q.Is This Norfolk Island Pine Able To Be Saved? Or Should I Trash It?

Zone Carrollton, Texas | HaileyRYoung added on June 29, 2020 | Answered

I have had this little tree for about 2 years, my grandma had it before she gave it to me. I didn’t really know much about it when given. All she said was it loves sunlight and doesn’t need lots of water and it did real good for a while but I have been reading you’re suppose to rotate them? I never did because I didn’t know. So idk what to do now. I feel bad throwing it away.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on June 29, 2020

It looks pretty dried up. You can scrape off some of the stem and see if there is green below. If so, you can try meeting its cultural needs. They need bright light, humidity and moist but not wet soil.

If you have lost it, you can buy another in her memory and try again. It is hard to know when these plants are in trouble because they stay green long after they have succumbed.

These articles should help:





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