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Ming Aralia Plants

Q.Is This Ming Aralia Cutting Too Large To Root?

Zone Kilgore Tx | Anonymous added on March 19, 2022 | Answered

Yesterday a friend gave me a 3-foot cutting when she pruned her Ming aralia. Would it be better to do multiple starts from this cutting? Folks here have started theirs in water but I read in your Q&A that roots started in water are different than roots started in soil. I would like to get as many healthy plants as I can. I appreciate specific guidance. Thank you

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on March 20, 2022

I suggest cutting it into two or three plants by cutting the main stem in half or into thirds. Remove the lower leaves on each cutting so you can plant them in pots of soil. Dip the ends into rooting hormone if you have it, but it's not required.


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