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Peach Trees

Q.Peach spray

Zone 6 | dspivy added on May 14, 2012 | Answered

Is there something to spray on peach trees so the fruit will last and not rot so quickly? We have peach trees in our yard and have some good fruit but the peaches tend to rot quickly after picking.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on May 15, 2012

You may actually be harvesting too late. While most people prefer tree-ripened fruit, the fruit at this stage has an extremely short shelf life. Therefore, it may be better to pick the fruit two to four days before it is fully ripe. Here are some things to look for when harvesting peaches: When the fruit is easily pulled off the twigs then it is probably ripe. You should feel a certain amount of movement when you press in to the flesh of the peach with your fingers. When peaches change from green to an orange tint, they are nearly ripe. Ripe peaches will give off a pleasant, peachy smell.

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