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Q.Is There Pollinator Flower To Attract Bee To Early Blooming Apricot Tree?

Zone 97023 | Anonymous added on June 4, 2023 | Answered

I have a small 5 yr old apricot tree that only produces a FEW apricots/year. I think the problem is that it blooms so early in the spring that there are no bees around. Could you recommend a flower for a companion that would attract the bees to coordinate with the tree and pollination could occur?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on June 5, 2023

Even though apricots are self fruitful, you will get more fruit if you have two different varieties of apricots. Pollination can indeed be a problem. You can always pollinate the plants yourself if you can easily reach the blooms.

Plants that attract bees and other insect pollinators include:






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