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Q.Is there anyone in your office that can come out to our house in Destin. I am from Mississippi and an avid flower gardener. Of cou

Zone 32541 | Gigi buck added on February 4, 2019 | Answered

rse, things are different here with planting flowers and trees. Not sure if y’all can help but would appreciate any info you can give. Thank you, Gigi buck. Email ggbuck@bellsouth.net.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on February 4, 2019

While the staff at Gardening Know How can't make house calls :), we can recommend local resources that may be helpful to you. Your county Extension Office can provide you with answers to your questions from their staff experts who are knowledgeable about gardening issues in your region.

Here's an article that explains what Extension Offices do and how to locate one near you.

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