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Plumbago Plants

Q.Is there any chemical to apply on a flower before or after it blooms

Zone In nigeria | Simeongodstime added on March 19, 2015 | Answered

Is there any chemical to apply on a flower before nourishing or after nourishing the flower? I don’t know how to survive plumbago flower. I am a gardener, but I really need to know how to take care of this ornamental plant. Thanks.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on March 19, 2015

Can you provide more information on what is wrong with your plant? Can you verify what type of plant this is? You mentioned it was a blue begonia but it looks more like a variety of jasmine. Have you nourished your plant with fertilizer? I see you are wondering about a chemical application. Chemicals are not necessary unless there is a specific problem that warrants it (such as pests or disease), and I would need more information on what is wrong with your plants to determine if that is a good course of action.

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