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Queen Anne's Lace

Q.Is There Another Plant That Looks Like Queen Anne’s Lace Other Than Wild Hemlock?

Zone Ocala, Florida | Anonymous added on May 23, 2022 | Answered

I have a small plant volunteer in my garden that looks like Queen Anne’s lace but now I don’t think it is. The flower top is much smaller. I live in zone 8b or 9. Are there different species? Even though I pulled most of it out last year I now have a huge crop.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on May 30, 2022

Based on your photo, I would still say this is Queen Anne's Lace. The herb, Angelica, looks similar, but it has a flatter head. I do think this is the same plant. Queen Anne's Lace is quite invasive, so it is probably sprouting up in different places, different sizes. You may end up wanting to control it.

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