Q.Is There A Way To Reroot A Bareroot Rose Whose Grafted Roots Seem To Have Died In Transit But The Canes Are Still Alive.
This is a replacement rose for a defective rose sent to me last year. So I would like to try and save it if I can ditch the dead grafted roots. The rose had sprouts on it when it arrived but they died after it was planted about 3 wks ago.
Contact the place where you got the rosebush from and let them know that the roots were dry and dead upon arrival. A bad replacement rose is no better than the original rose you got. They need to send you a decent rosebush that will grow for you, not substandard stock! I would like to know what company shipped you the rose concerned. Not something a reputable company would do. There is no way to ditch the rootstock graft and save the bush.