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Q.Is there a thorny plant that grows in the shade?

tottenham1 added on July 24, 2011 | Answered

I have some awful boys that live at the end of the garden. We have a 5 ft. fence and I have now planted some laurel for more privacy (which is only about 4 ft. ). My neighbour caught one of them trying to climb into my garden. I was wondering if there are any thorny plants that would grow in dark areas.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on July 25, 2011

Eleutherococcus sieboldi is a type of Ginseng that has a thorny variety that does well in shade and can grow to 10' x 10', also there are several types of barberry that might fit your needs. Perhaps, you and your neighbors need to have a talk with these children's parents as well about respecting other people's property? Hope this helps.

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